Resources About Depression, DEPLIN®, and More
This website offers some basic information about depression and how DEPLIN® can help, but talking to your healthcare provider is the best way to decide if DEPLIN® is right for you.

Download and print this guide which includes questions to discuss with your healthcare provider to see if DEPLIN® is right for you.

A DEPLIN® journey infographic to guide you as you begin your journey.

Using this monthly symptom tracker while taking DEPLIN® helps you monitor progress and provides valuable insights for your healthcare provider to review.
Learn more about how DEPLIN® works
The active folate in DEPLIN® helps boost the production of natural chemicals in the brain that may affect mood. Without this active folate, your body’s ability to produce these chemicals may be limited.
More information about depression
The following resources offer education and support for people with depression and their families.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- NAMI, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, is dedicated to helping millions of Americans affected by mental illness build better lives
Mental Health America (MHA)
- With more than 100 years of advocacy, MHA is focused on helping people live healthier mental lives
US Department of Health and Human Services
- Part of the National Dialogue on Mental Health, mentalhealth.gov offers access to US government mental health information. Content about depression is provided by many sources, including the National Institute of Mental Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Save on DEPLIN®
Savings, support, and resources for patients taking DEPLIN®.
Bring this discussion guide to your next doctor’s appointment to help you learn more about your depression.
Download the Discussion Guide